NVIDIA Forceware 196.75 adds anti-aliasing support for Mass Effect 2
Update: Turns out the drivers have a bug in the fan control code that causes them to overheat. As such, I’ve removed the link for now (thanks Voideka).
I’m not normally one to post about a graphics driver update, even if they do excite my eyebrows from time to time, but the WHQL-certified 196.75s for NVIDIA’s GeForce cards includes a fix that allows users to override the AA settings for Mass Effect 2. I believe this renders the executable rename feature of MassAffinity obsolete… but not the program itself. You’ll still need it to get around the silly dual-core slow down bug the game seems adamant on keeping, even after a patch.
Just FYI Nvidia pulled these drivers because they broke fan control and have caused cards to overheat and die.
Voideka said this on March 6th, 2010 at 12:22 pm