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Note: All opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author alone, and do not reflect the views of the author’s employer.

Logan Booker. Someone once told me it sounded like a cop’s name. Shame I’m not a cop!

In 2002, I was delivering pizza and putting the finishing touches on a Certificate II in IT at TAFE.

Between late 2002 to late 2006, I worked for AJB Publishing (now Haymarket Media) as a sub-editor, editorial assistant, senior writer and deputy editor. A few months before 2007, I became editor of Atomic: Maximum Power Computing, an enthusiast hardware and gaming magazine based in Sydney, NSW. That’s Australia, not, uh, the other Sydney you may have heard of.

Towards the end of 2007, I parted ways with Atomic and hit the world of freelance. From about September 2007 to August 2008, I was editor of the Australian version of Kotaku.

In September 2008, I made the move to Melbourne and started work at Tantalus Media as a game designer. Exciting? Indeed.

The end of January 2011 saw me depart Tantalus and join Firemint handling media relations – the primary motivator being a desire to reserve my game-designing abilities to work on my own projects.

Turns out public relations wasn’t the best fit for me, so in September 2011 I left Firemint to start my own indie games studio. To keep my stomach full and something roof-shaped over my head, I took up the weekend editor role for Kotaku, Lifehacker and Gizmodo Australia.

If you’d like to get in contact, just fire me an email:
logan (at) theplaywrite (dot) com

If you’d like to read some of my work, here are a few articles of interest:

Zafehouse, a zombie survival horror game

Pros and cons of World of Warcraft powerlevelling, part 1
Pros and cons of World of Warcraft powerlevelling, part 2
Pros and cons of World of Warcraft powerlevelling, part 3

World of Warcraft modding guide

Technical preview of Fury, an now-defunct Australian MMO

Inside the PlayStation 3